10 Deadly Sins of Talent Management
Recently, we attended the Midwest Staffing Conference to hear about trends in talent management. Jon Bartos, an industry trainer, referenced his article on the 10 Deadly Sins of Talent Management, Costly Mistakes that Drown an Organization in a Sea of Mediocrity.
In a nutshell, here is a summary of the 10 Deadly Sins to avoid:
- Fail to Make a Team of “A” Players a Priority
- Pay Below Market Value for Talent
- Maintain a Long, Arduous Hiring Process
- Hire Based on Interviewing Skills
- Lack of Defined Career Paths
- No Outside Agencies – Job Boards Only or Feeding Frenzy
- Stop Interviewing When Empty Seats are Filled
- Tolerate Low Performers
- Lack of Training and Development
- Absence of a Performance Management System
“People are not your most important asset. The right people are.” - Jim Collins